Sudarshan Research Journal

What is Citing in Research Paper

Citing a research paper refers to the process of formally acknowledging and referencing a published research paper in a new work, such as an academic article, thesis, or report. It involves providing proper attribution to the original authors and sources of information that have been used in the new work, in order to give credit, provide evidence for claims, and allow readers to locate the original research for further reading and verification.

Citing a research paper typically involves providing the following information:

  1. Author(s): Include the name(s) of the author(s) of the research paper. If there are multiple authors, list them in the order they appear in the original paper.
  2. Title: Include the title of the research paper in quotation marks or italics, followed by the title of the journal or conference proceedings where the paper was published (if applicable). If the paper is unpublished or available online only, provide a description or URL.
  3. Date: Include the publication date of the research paper, usually in parentheses. If the research paper is unpublished, provide the date when it was completed or accessed.
  4. Source: Provide information about the source of the research paper, such as the journal name, volume number, issue number, page range, and DOI (Digital Object Identifier) or URL if applicable. For conference papers, provide the name of the conference, location, and date.
  5. Optional information: Depending on the citation style being used (such as APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.), additional information such as the edition, publisher, and ISBN may be required.

It’s important to follow the citation style guidelines specified by the publication or institution where you are submitting your work, as different citation styles have different formats and requirements. Properly citing research papers is crucial for maintaining academic integrity, avoiding plagiarism, and allowing others to verify and build upon your research.