Sudarshan Research Journal

What is an argumentative research paper

An argumentative research paper is a type of academic writing that requires the author to investigate a particular topic or issue, critically analyze and evaluate evidence, and present a clear and coherent argument or position supported by evidence. The goal of an argumentative research paper is to persuade the reader to accept the author’s viewpoint or stance on a controversial or debatable topic.

A typical argumentative research paper follows a specific structure, which includes an introduction, literature review, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. However, the organization and length of each section may vary depending on the specific requirements of the assignment or the field of study.

Introduction: The introduction section of an argumentative research paper provides background information on the topic and presents the research question or thesis statement. It should be engaging and clearly state the author’s position or argument. The introduction should also provide a rationale for why the topic is important and relevant, and may include a brief overview of the main arguments or points that will be discussed in the paper.

Literature review: The literature review section provides a comprehensive review of the existing research and scholarly literature related to the topic of the paper. It should critically evaluate and analyze the existing evidence, theories, and arguments, and identify any gaps or limitations in the current understanding of the topic. The literature review section should also provide the necessary context for the author’s argument or position and support the need for further research or investigation.

Methods: The methods section describes the research methods or approaches used to collect and analyze data or evidence for the argumentative research paper. It should provide sufficient details to allow readers to understand and replicate the research. The methods section may include information about the research design, data collection methods, data analysis techniques, and any other procedures or steps undertaken during the research process.

Results: The results section presents the findings of the research or the evidence collected in support of the author’s argument or position. It should be presented objectively and clearly, using appropriate visual aids such as tables, charts, or graphs, if applicable. The results section should be organized logically and provide a comprehensive and accurate representation of the data or evidence obtained.

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Discussion: The discussion section interprets the results and presents the author’s analysis, evaluation, and interpretation of the findings. It should explain the implications of the results and relate them back to the research question or thesis statement. The author should critically analyze and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence, consider alternative viewpoints or counterarguments, and provide a persuasive argument to support their position. The discussion section should be well-supported with evidence and references from the literature.

Conclusion: The conclusion section summarizes the main arguments or points made in the paper and restates the thesis statement or research question. It should provide a concise and compelling summary of the author’s position or argument, and may also highlight the implications and significance of the research. The conclusion should leave a strong impression on the reader and reinforce the author’s argument

In addition to the main sections listed above, an argumentative research paper may also include other elements such as an abstract, acknowledgments, appendices, or references, depending on the requirements of the assignment or the specific guidelines of the field of study.

When writing an argumentative research paper, it is important to use a clear, concise, and formal writing style. The author should provide strong evidence and logical reasoning to support their argument, and critically evaluate and address potential counterarguments or opposing viewpoints. Proper citation and referencing of sources is essential to acknowledge the contributions of other researchers and ensure academic integrity.

In conclusion, an argumentative research paper is a type of academic writing that presents a persuasive argument or position on a controversial or debatable topic. It requires a thorough investigation of the topic, critical analysis of evidence, and clear and coherent presentation of arguments.