Author's Guidelines

Manuscripts Submission:

The corresponding author of the manuscript should send the full text of the manuscript to us through the Online Submission Process on the website’s home page or by sending us an email at Only the Word (.doc,.docx) files can be submitted through the online system. Submissions in any other format will not be accepted. The author who sends the manuscript is responsible for it from the time it is sent until it is accepted or rejected. If submitting online or by email isn’t possible for some technical reason, the author can always get in touch with us for help.

Types of Articles to Submit: All formatted full-text articles submitted should report original, never-before-published in any other Peer Reviewed / Single Blind Peer Reviewed / Double Blind Peer Reviewed / UGC care group -1 and group – 2 journals /any Book / Newspaper / Blog / any Print or Online media nor is under consideration for publication by any other journal. It should not be the results of already published experimental or theoretical research. Articles sent to Sudarshan Research Journal (SRJ)/Conferences should meet these requirements, the requirements mentioned in manuscript form.

a) Research Articles: These articles should describe new findings that have been carefully checked, and they should explain how the experiments were done in enough detail for others to check the work. A full-text article should be as long as it needs to be to describe and explain the work clearly. Most research articles are between 4 and 6 pages long when printed.

b) Short Notes: A short note article can be used to write down the results of small, complete investigations or to describe new models, hypotheses, methods, techniques, or equipment. The style of the main parts doesn’t have to be the same as that of the whole paper. Most short note articles are between 2 and 3 printed pages long.

c) Review Articles: These should talk about the literature survey of a certain topic, as well as an introduction and how the results were found. To make a good review article, you should add as many references as possible. Most review articles are between 5 and 8 pages long when printed.

d) Case Study: These articles should describe some new results that have been carefully checked, and they should give details about how the experiments were done so that the work can be checked. The proposed method should be compared to methods that are already being used. A full-text case study article should be between 5 and 10 pages long when printed.

Conditions for submitting: Manuscripts must not have been published anywhere else and cannot be under consideration by any other journal or conference at the same time. The author who sends the article is responsible for making sure that all the other co-authors agree to its publication. If nothing else is said, more correspondence and proofs will be sent to the author(s) before publication. For a paper to be accepted, the authors must agree to have it edited to make it easier to read and fit the requirements of the Journal/Conference.

Units of Measurement : System International (SI) units should be used to show units of measure in a clear and concise way. There should be a list of non-standard abbreviations in the articles. In general, you shouldn’t use non-standard abbreviations unless the full term is very long and often used. The first time an abbreviation is used in a text, it should be written out and put between parentheses.

Manuscript Format and style (Writing Guide):

When submitting manuscripts for review in the Journal, please send an original editable file in one of the .doc or. docx formats, as shown in the Paper Template on the homepage. All images, charts, tables, and other things should be built into the original file. All full-text articles that are sent in should include original, never-before-published research results, whether they are experimental or theoretical. Publication of article has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as the responsible authorities – whether implicitly or explicitly – at the institute where the study was conducted. The publisher will not be held legally liable for any potential claims for compensation. Articles sent to Sudarshan Research Journal (SRJ) should meet these requirements and can’t be being considered for publication anywhere else. The Paper Template and Copyright Form have detailed instructions on how to get a paper ready to submit.


  • Articles/Research papers must be composed in the format. Whole article from Abstract to references, must be transcribed in 12-point Times New Roman font (13-point, Kruti Dev 010 in Hindi Language Article) on A4-sized paper with 1.5 line spacing, with a 1-inch margin.
  • A minimum of one inch should be left at the top and bottom of each page. The typescript’s headings and subheadings should be plainly marked.
  • Major headings (Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, and References) should all be written in bold Times New Roman font size 14 points (15-point, Kruti Dev 010 in Hindi Language Article) in the centre of the page.
  • Use a bold font size of 12 points (13-point, Kruti Dev 010 in Hindi Language Article) for subheadings. To be typed on a separate line and ‘left aligned’ with the first letter of the first word capitalised and all other letters in small case, e.g. Socioeconomic and psychological characteristics.
  • Use 12 point bold (13-point, Kruti Dev 010 in Hindi Language Article) and ‘left aligned’ font size for sub-sub headings. To be typed on a separate line with the left margin utilised. The initial letter of the first word should be capitalised, while all other letters should be written in lowercase.
  • The paragraph must be justified and distinguished from the following paragraph by a single space.
  • All graphics (including but not limited to figures, maps, and graphs) should be presented in black and white. They need to be organised with sequential numbers and proper titles.
  • It’s important to maintain uniformity in the spelling of commonly used terms across the entire paper.
  • If a technical word needs clarification, a footnote may be included on the same page. In order to protect anonymity, writers shouldn’t reference their own works in certain ways.
  • Instead of the space bar, use tab stops or other commands to indent. To create tables, use the table function, not spreadsheets. Utilise the equation editor or MathType to create equations.
  • The report of the plagiarism check with the appropriate software (Turnitin/URKUND/ithenticate/ ouriginal etc.) is submitted as a supplementary file, and the percentage of duplicate content is less than 10 percent. I/we (the authors) will be held accountable for any discrepancies discovered at any stage of the manuscript processing.

Title: The title of the manuscript should be short and clear. It Should Accurately Reflect the Content. It should have 16-point font (20-point, Kruti Dev 010 in Hindi Language Article) that are both bold and Times New Roman. Article titles must be capitalised. It should then be followed by the name of the author, their affiliation, and country. Initials of the author’s name must be capitalised, while all other characters must be lowercase.

Abstract: There should be an abstract in the manuscript. The study’s year, primary objectives, methodology, primary results, and primary conclusion should all be summarised in the abstract so that the reader may draw their own conclusions without having to read the entire paper. The past tense should be used throughout. The abstract shouldn’t have any citations and should be between 150 – 300 words long.

Keywords: After the abstract, the keywords best characterise the nature of the research. Add 5 to 7 key words or phrases in alphabetical order, with commas between them. The initial letter of each keyword should always be capitalized.

Introduction: The introduction explains why this research was conducted. It is in the present tense, and cites prior academic work. Include a summary of the problem’s background and scope, as well as your working hypothesis, method, and any supporting evidence. The chemical name (including constituents in brackets) should be used instead of the brand name when referencing industrial items. When possible, avoid using a trade name and instead use the full name or a designated abbreviation. In-text citations that include the phrase “et al.” should not be italicised. There should be a short summary of the topic with in text citation in APA style or work done in the manuscript.

Quotations: Double quote marks are to be used, however single quotation marks are to be used within a quotation. Single space and indent lengthy quotations (those with more than fifty words). Keep the original text’s spelling, punctuation, and grammar while translating. In order to identify omissions from suspension points utilised by the writers cited, they should all be represented by […]. Be sure to double-check your quotation transcription.

Methodology: The ‘methodology’ describes the procedure followed, be it an experimental model or a field study. It should be comprehensive and arranged logically, with sufficient information to reproduce the procedure. In methodology, subheadings should be avoided as much as feasible. It should be written in past tense. When the methodologies are well-known, it is sufficient to cite a standard work. Every procedure modification must be explained. Materials used in experiments and statistical models should be described in detail. Calculations and the validity of deductions derived from them must be validated and verified. International standards should apply to units of measurement, symbols, and standard abbreviations. Metric measurements are preferred, and concentrations must be expressed entirely in SI units. Provide the meaning of each symbol immediately following the equation in which it first appears.

Figure Preparation: Each figure should be built according to manuscript file. In the manuscript, you should list all of the figures in order. For consistency and clarity, each figure may be resized to fit the width of the column or the width of the whole text. The labels of the figures may also need to be resized to be at least 9pt.

Preparing Tables: Tables should be listed in the order, one after the other. Tables must be positioned appropriately within the text. They should be formatted using Microsoft Word’s Table feature. The initial letter of the first word of the caption should be capitalised, while all other letters should be in lower case. Every table needs a title that tells what it is about, and if there are measurements, the units should be in the column headings. You shouldn’t use rules that go up and down.

Graphic Formats: We will only accept graphs and figures made on a computer (included in a Microsoft Word document or as separate JPG, PNG or JPEG files) or images that are directly related to the topic of the paper.

Acronyms: First use of an acronym requires full spelling out, followed by the abbreviation in brackets.

Footnotes: Footnotes can be used to provide more material, such as a citation to a source that is also listed in the bibliography. A reference citation is required; however, the bibliographic information of a source is never to be included in the body of an essay. There shouldn’t be any tables or figures either. Numbered footnotes in the text, with superscript lower-case letters for footnotes in tables (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data), are standard. Neither the article’s title nor the authors’ names appear in footnotes. In lieu of endnotes, always use footnotes.

Acknowledgments: If there are any, they should go at the very end of the manuscript, before the list of references. They can include grants, presentations, and other things that helped.

Biographies: Before or after the references at the end of the manuscript, a short biography of each author with or without a clear passport-sized photo may be included.

Results and Discussion: Ideally, the results and discussion should be combined to avoid duplication. Results present the data, the facts – what was discovered, calculated, observed. It should be written in simple past tense to report experiment/fieldwork observations, comparisons, and contrasts. Instead of writing the entire tabular/graphical data in text, only the most significant results should be presented. Too many paragraphs are discouraged; each concept must be addressed in a single location and time. The Discussion demonstrates the relationship between the facts, situates the results within the context of previous research, and the emphasis must be placed on presenting the results in relation to the body of established knowledge. The discussion should include trends, relationships, generalisations, any exceptions, outlier data, and explanations for agreement or disagreement with prior research. The discussion must be composed in the present tense. Avoid creating too many tables for the sake of quantity, and do not include socio-personal profile table and text unless it is absolutely necessary and has a bearing on the rest of the research.

Conclusion: After the discussion, the ‘conclusion’ summarises the key findings and explains, in broad strokes, the ramifications of the research’s findings. It must be written in the present tense, with an emphasis on what is currently recognised as common sense. Introduction and hypothesis should be referenced in the conclusion. Implications, the significance of your results, and any applicable practical applications must be included in the conclusion. Here, it is inappropriate to use abbreviations, acronyms, or citations. There should be no repetition of the abstract.

References: It is up to the authors to make sure that the information in each reference is full and correct. The references lists must be arranged alphabetically. The reference must be written in APA style. All references must be numbered in order, and numbers in square brackets should be used to cite references in the text (for example, “as discussed by Barrack [1]” or “as discussed elsewhere [6, 8]”). In general, the reference should not be older than twenty years and should only come from published sources. Avoid referencing unpublished theses older than ten years. If possible, include the URL of each reference. Unverified references could result in the rejection of a manuscript.

Proofs and Reprints: Proofs that need to be fixed must be sent back to the journal within two to three days. So, it will be helpful if the manuscripts and figures match the style of the journals/conferences from the start.

Changes to Authorship: This policy addresses changes to the order of authors listed on accepted articles, as well as the addition or removal of authors.

Prior to the online publication of the accepted manuscript: Written confirmation (email) from all authors that they agree with the addition, removal, or rearrangement of authors is required. Requests to add or remove an author, or to rearrange the author names, should be sent to from the corresponding author of the accepted manuscript. This also requires receiving approval from the author who is being added or removed. If the Editor receives a request that wasn’t sent by the associated author, they will forward it to that author with the instructions above.

Please be aware that until authorship is settled, the publication of the accepted manuscript has been put on hold. After an approved submission has been published in an online issue, no changes can be made to the article’s author list, including adding, removing, or reordering authors.

Copyright Notice: Once a paper has been approved by the Sudarshan Research Journal and published in the journal, it becomes the property of the journal.

Privacy Statement: All information submitted to this journal site, including names and email addresses, will be used solely for the specified journal purposes and will not be shared with any third parties.

Conflicts of Interest Statements: Please describe the nature of the conflict and your association with any organisation or institution that has any kind of interest in the content or materials covered in this manuscript, whether financial or otherwise.

Copyright Transfer:

Before the publication of the manuscript, one of the authors should sign the copyrights and send a scanned copy to the editor. You can download the copyright on the homepage.

Even though the advice and information in Sudarshan Research Journal and conference were thought to be true and correct at the time they went to publish, neither the authors, the editors, nor the publisher can be held legally responsible for any mistakes or omissions that may have been made. The Journal makes no guarantee, either express or implied, about the information in the volume (issue).

Human and animal rights:

Every country that uses animals for research has put out a set of rules for how to house, feed, and care for laboratory animals in a humane way. The rules are the same everywhere in the world, and laws about animal welfare make sure that everyone follows them. These rules say that the animals must have a standard environment in terms of light, temperature, humidity, air flow, noise level, etc., and that they must also be given a standard, nutritious diet. Lab animals are usually kept in cages that are empty and boring. But in the last few years, there has been a move towards giving these animals a better environment within the limits of the experiments. Environmental enrichment means making the cage more complicated so that the animal has more to do and is encouraged to act more naturally. All authors and researchers who do medical experiments on people or animals should follow the rules and get permission from the right department. They should also say so in their papers.

Sudarshan Research Journal (SRJ) is a Multidisciplinary and Multilingual Peer-Reviewed Research Journal and open access journal. We help to enhance your research work and publish your papers in our journal.

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Research and technical papers that are original and of high quality are accepted. After registration, and peer review process, the paper will be published in the current issue. With a digital certificate, authors can get their full papers at any time.

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