Sudarshan Research Journal

How to Cite a Research Paper

The specific way to cite a research paper can vary depending on the citation style you are using, such as APA (American Psychological Association), MLA (Modern Language Association), Chicago, or others. Here are general guidelines on how to cite a research paper in APA, MLA, and Chicago styles:

  1. APA Style:

In-text citation:

  • For a single author: (Author’s Last name, Year of publication)
  • For multiple authors (up to 20 authors): (First Author’s Last name et al., Year of publication)
  • For more than 20 authors: (First Author’s Last name et al., Year of publication)

Reference list:

  • For a journal article: Author’s Last name, Author’s Initials. (Year of publication). Title of the article. Title of the Journal, volume number(issue number), page range. DOI or URL if available.

For a conference paper: Author’s Last name, Author’s Initials. (Year of publication). Title of the paper. In Proceedings of the Conference Name (pp. page range). Conference Location. DOI or URL if available.

  1. MLA Style:

In-text citation:

  • For a single author: (Author’s Last name page number)
  • For multiple authors: (First Author’s Last name and Second Author’s Last name page number)

Works Cited list:

  • For a journal article: Author’s Last name, Author’s First name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Journal, volume number, issue number, Year of publication, page range. DOI or URL if available.
  • For a conference paper: Author’s Last name, Author’s First name. “Title of the Paper.” Title of the Conference Proceedings, Conference Location, Year of publication, page range. DOI or URL if available.
  1. Chicago Style:

Footnote/Endnote citation:

  • For a single author: Author’s First name Author’s Last name, “Title of the Article” (Journal Title volume number, issue number, Year of publication), page number.


  • For a journal article: Author’s Last name, Author’s First name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Journal volume number, issue number (Year of publication): page range. DOI or URL if available.
  • For a conference paper: Author’s Last name, Author’s First name. “Title of the Paper.” In Title of the Conference Proceedings, edited by Editor’s First name Editor’s Last name, page range. Conference Location: Publisher, Year of publication. DOI or URL if available.

Note: These are general guidelines and may not cover all possible scenarios. Always consult the specific citation style guide or the instructions provided by the publication or institution where you are submitting your work for accurate and complete citations.


Types of Research Papers

There are many distinct varieties of research papers, each of which has its own particular goal, organisational scheme, and method. The following are some of the most prevalent sorts of research papers:

  1. Argumentative Research Paper: A research paper that is argumentative provides a contentious or contentious issue and argues for a certain stance or perspective on the topic. It is necessary for the author to defend their position with facts, rational reasoning, and convincing arguments. The objective of the paper is to persuade the audience that the author’s point of view is correct.
  2. Analytical Research Paper: The purpose of an analytical research paper is to investigate a subject or problem by dissecting it into its component parts and providing a critical assessment of each of those parts. This study investigates the subject from a variety of viewpoints, assesses the merits of various points of view, and provides an in-depth analysis as well as an interpretation of the results.
  3. Experimental Research Paper: In an experimental research paper, the author presents a report on the findings of a scientific experiment or study that they themselves carried out. In most cases, it adheres to the steps outlined in the scientific method, which include the development of a hypothesis, the design and execution of experiments, the collecting of data, an analysis of the results, and the presentation of the findings.
  4. Survey Research Paper: A survey research paper is one that obtains data from a sample population by having questionnaires or surveys filled out by such sample group. The study goals, methods, data analysis, and conclusions based on the replies gathered are all presented in this section. Many times, research articles based on surveys provide new insights into the attitudes, behaviours, and trends that exist within a certain group.
  5. Review Research Paper: A research article that is in the form of a review does a synthesis and evaluation of the previous work that has been done on a certain subject. It seeks to offer a complete assessment of the present state of knowledge, highlight gaps or contradictions, and recommend future research initiatives. Review papers provide readers with a more well-rounded grasp of a topic by critically analysing and summarising a broad variety of previously published works on the subject.Comparative Research Paper: A comparative research article examines many topics, methods, or phenomena and draws comparisons and contrasts between them. It does so by analysing the similarities, differences, patterns, or correlations between the things that are being investigated. In order to arrive at insightful findings, comparative research articles sometimes examine a number of different case studies or data sets.
  6. Descriptive Research Paper: The purpose of writing a descriptive research paper is to chronicle and describe a certain event, occurrence, or topic. It offers in-depth facts, observations, and interpretations without making any effort to explain the links between causes and effects. Research articles that are descriptive are often seen in the fields of social sciences, anthropology, and observational studies.
  7. Theoretical Research Paper: The purpose of a theoretical research article is to create or improve upon a theoretical framework, model, or notion within a certain academic field. Theoretical reasoning may be used to examine hypotheses, provide new theoretical views, or integrate current ones.

It is essential to keep in mind that these classifications are not incompatible with one another; hence, many research publications may incorporate aspects of more than one category. The research topic, goals, and methods, as well as the audience that the paper is intended for, all have a role in the choice of research paper type. The researchers need to choose which style is going to be most successful in communicating their results while still allowing them to achieve the goals of their investigation.