Sudarshan Research Journal

How to Cite a Research Paper

The specific way to cite a research paper can vary depending on the citation style you are using, such as APA (American Psychological Association), MLA (Modern Language Association), Chicago, or others. Here are general guidelines on how to cite a research paper in APA, MLA, and Chicago styles:

  1. APA Style:

In-text citation:

  • For a single author: (Author’s Last name, Year of publication)
  • For multiple authors (up to 20 authors): (First Author’s Last name et al., Year of publication)
  • For more than 20 authors: (First Author’s Last name et al., Year of publication)

Reference list:

  • For a journal article: Author’s Last name, Author’s Initials. (Year of publication). Title of the article. Title of the Journal, volume number(issue number), page range. DOI or URL if available.

For a conference paper: Author’s Last name, Author’s Initials. (Year of publication). Title of the paper. In Proceedings of the Conference Name (pp. page range). Conference Location. DOI or URL if available.

  1. MLA Style:

In-text citation:

  • For a single author: (Author’s Last name page number)
  • For multiple authors: (First Author’s Last name and Second Author’s Last name page number)

Works Cited list:

  • For a journal article: Author’s Last name, Author’s First name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Journal, volume number, issue number, Year of publication, page range. DOI or URL if available.
  • For a conference paper: Author’s Last name, Author’s First name. “Title of the Paper.” Title of the Conference Proceedings, Conference Location, Year of publication, page range. DOI or URL if available.
  1. Chicago Style:

Footnote/Endnote citation:

  • For a single author: Author’s First name Author’s Last name, “Title of the Article” (Journal Title volume number, issue number, Year of publication), page number.


  • For a journal article: Author’s Last name, Author’s First name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Journal volume number, issue number (Year of publication): page range. DOI or URL if available.
  • For a conference paper: Author’s Last name, Author’s First name. “Title of the Paper.” In Title of the Conference Proceedings, edited by Editor’s First name Editor’s Last name, page range. Conference Location: Publisher, Year of publication. DOI or URL if available.

Note: These are general guidelines and may not cover all possible scenarios. Always consult the specific citation style guide or the instructions provided by the publication or institution where you are submitting your work for accurate and complete citations.


research paper

A research paper is a written report that details the findings of an inquiry or study into a certain subject. An academic article is a formal piece of writing meant to add to the body of knowledge in a certain area. Students, academics, scientists, and researchers often publish their discoveries and results with the academic community in the form of research papers. The following are the main parts of any research paper:

research paper
Find how to write a research paper

Abstract: An abstract is a short synopsis of the article that highlights the main points of the study, including the research question, methods, and results.

Introduction: The purpose of an introduction is to introduce the research issue, state the research question or aim, and provide context for the study within the current body of knowledge.

Literature Review: The term “literature review” refers to an in-depth analysis of existing studies and academic publications that are directly linked to the issue at hand. The literature review provides necessary background information, highlights any knowledge gaps, and explains why this particular investigation is warranted.

Methodology: The methodology of a study details its approach to research and the techniques and methods that were used to produce its findings. Methods for gathering, analysing, and interpreting the data are described here. It has to be specific enough so that other researchers can carry out the same analysis.

Results: In the results section, you can discover the study’s conclusions, which were drawn from the analysed data. Information is often presented in the form of tables, graphs, charts, or statistical analysis.

Discussion: The analysis and interpretation of the data in light of the research topic is the discussion. The ramifications, importance, and limits of the results are discussed here as well. A review of relevant literature may be cited to provide context for the findings or to draw parallels with previous studies.

Conclusion: The conclusion restates the relevance of the study’s key results and summarises them. It may also point to potential future study directions or areas that need further exploration.

Reference: A complete bibliography of all the works used in the study project. In this area, you will list the primary sources that served as the basis for your analysis.

Experts in the same area as the paper’s authors assess its rigour, methodology, validity, and addition to knowledge in a process known as “peer review.”